So you’ve google the list of muay thai gym’s around you and looked up their schedule or even dropped by for a free cardio class, but you were hesitant to pull the trigger and go all in. Sound familiar? fear not, you’re not the only one.
Picking the right muay thai gym will get overwhelming when you’re a beginner to the sport and some times down right intimidating. So we’ve put together a check list to help you ease your journey into wonderful world of Muay Thai.
First and foremost thing you need to have are specific goals and objectives you want to achieve. Your goals and objectives will guide you on which muay thai gym to settle for, whether you are in Thailand or elsewhere in the world.If you want to learn muay thai as a hobby or to get in shape, then anything in the name of Muay Thai gym may as well be suitable for you. But if your aspirations are to rise in the ranks and become a master of the game, then you have to be diligent in choosing the Muay Thai gym
Remember, a Muay Thai gym is quite different from regular gyms or an MMA/ boxing gym. A purely Muay Thai gym specializes on Muay Thai alone as a sport, unlike regular gyms or mma boxing gyms, which are quite diversified. As such, they lack focus. The trainers here are not so focused on developing you as a Muay Thai trainee, but are out to develop you roundabout. Therefore, other martial art disciplines at such gyms are bound to distract you.
Here below are some factors to guide you on how to pick a Muay Thai gym.
Experienced And Dedicated Trainers
One of the most critical pointers to a good Muay Thai gym is that it has has qualified and competent trainers. No one wants to waste their time under some inexperienced dude in the name a trainer, one who probably bought their belt from eBay! Don’t waste your time in an ‘McDojo’, a martial arts studio run by quacks! Such are nothing but ‘factory’ gyms out to mint money.
Go for a professional Muay Thai gym whose trainers are diligent, dedicated and focused on the game, those who have years of experience and who are passionate about the game. To be the best, you have to learn from the best.
The best Muay Thai gym instructors are those who have competed at the highest levels of the game, or those who are genuine world champions, those for whom Muay Thai has become second nature. Such authentic experts of the sport are able to impart their skills to you and make you better than them, for most times, students outperform their trainers.
For Muay Thai gyms that that offer complimentary, introductory training sessions to new comers, there is an opportunity for you to learn how trainers interact with their students. You can also take advantage of such classes to observe the relationship between students. Your endeavour is to train at a Muay Thai gym where people get along well with each other, a Muay Thai gym that is more like a family.
Real Muay Thai Training Environment
As a martial arts sport, Muay Thai upholds the general discipline and values taught and upheld by all other martial arts. The game is not just about drills and techniques. You also learn how to respect yourself and others, and inculcates in you high standards of self discipline, as well as the values of perseverance. The sport also demands that you constantly review your goals and objectives in order to be at your best in everything you do.
Friendly and Convenient Schedule
Don’t sign up for Muay Thai gym that is hectic to your schedule. Only sign up for Muay Thai classes that are friendly to your schedule. Most Muay Thai gyms are aware of the fact that their trainees lead very busy lifestyles, and have factored this into their programs to ensure everyone’s schedule, whether school or work is not interfered with. Yours is to sign up for classes that suit your schedule. Muay Thai Gyms that have classes spread out throughout the day, from early morning to late evening are more preferable.
In the same vein, look for Muay Thai gyms that are open during weekends and on holidays, when you have a lot of time to spare.
High Quality Training Partners
Look for a Muay Thai gym that has sufficient training partners with different body types and skill levels. If you are a beginner, for example, you want to train at a Muay Thai gym with other starters as well. This will help you to share and compare strategies and tips as you journey together.
You also need those who are ahead of you, those who can point out what you aren’t doing right, but who encourage you when you get it right. Sparring someone who is more experienced than you makes you more discipled in your techniques, given that the margin of error is very thin here.
If you plan to compete in future, you better train at a Muay Thai gym with a large mix of students, from beginners to those who are advanced in skills and styles. Such a mix gives you good practice.
Clean and Family Friendly
If you a truly serious with your training, you better choose a clean Muay Thai gym in which you can even take a shower if you are a busy person. Choose a Muay Thai gym where you and your family members are comfortable with. Ensure that the surrounding, including the parking or adjacent public transport systems are safe.
A family friendly Muay Thai gym creates a positive atmosphere where students encourage each other to make it.
Before you Sign Up
Having looked at the above, it follows that carrying out due diligence before choosing and a Muay Thai gym and signing up is very critical. Make frequent visits and watch the proceedings there. Better still, interrogate students in different Muay Thai gyms to find out their experience there. What is their personal opinions of the Muay Thai gyms in which they train? You can also join complimentary introductory classes at Muay Thai gyms where they are offered.
Record your observations quietly. Narrow down your choices to a few of them, based on what you like or don’t like about specific Muay Thai gyms. Now make a final comparison of the Muay Thai gyms you have remained with and settle for one that you deem fit for you.
You are now good to go! Enjoy the sport.